gdb stands for GNU Project Debugger. It is, as the name says, a debugger, and can be used in reverse engineering in order to disassemble and analyze binary files.

Running and Disassembling

In order to run it, you must execute:

gdb programName

So, the default syntax of gdb is AT&T. Since here we mainly use Intel syntax we may change it using

set disassembly-flavor intel

So, in order to disassemble a function you must use

disassemble main

It is important to notice that the program will be as it shows in memory, but you can use another software in order to visualize better the control flow of it.

GDB Commands

If only Enter is pressed the last it is equivalent to typing and running the last command again.

Control Flow

  • run arg1, arg2...

           Runs the program and, if provided, with the arguments arg1, arg2, ...

  • break *address

           Sets a breakpoint at the given address. Can be used with function name insted of address.

  • del

           Removes all the breakpoints

  • si

           Step one instruction

  • ni

           Like si, but not showing execution of function calls (skipping them).

  • set $eax=x

           Sets register (eax for example) with value given 'x'

  • define hook-stop

           Define hook of stops, like the example below:

    define hook-stop
    info registers
    x/24wx $esp
    x/2i $eip


  • info registers

           Shows the value at the registers of the given program at that moment

  • x/wx $reg

           Prints register "reg" content as hexadecimal

  • x/s $reg

           Prints register "reg" content as ascii

  • x/24wx $esp

           Prints the stack of the program (24 words)

  • x/2i $eip

           Prints the next two instructions.

  • x function

           Prints address of function

  • p function

           Prints the address and return type of function

  • info proc mappings

           Show the map of memory

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